miércoles, 26 de julio de 2023


Reading and Writing with Kinestemas

The Kinesthema© Program, also known as LEK (Lectura y Escritura por Kinestemas ©), was created by Spanish neuropsychologist Andrés Marín at the end of the 20th century and published in 2016.This literacy methodology is based on neuroscience and focuses on the use of kinesthetic techniques to enhance learning and increase information retention.

Kinesthetic techniques involve body movement and their use can improve brain plasticity and long-term memory. The Kinestem Reading Method (Lectura y Escritura por Kinestemas© in Spain), or Kinestema© Program (in USA), focuses on using structured body movements to relate abstract concepts to physical action, which facilitates information retention.

According to research conducted by Marín and his team, the Kinestema Program is effective in improving the learning of language-related skills such as writing and reading, both when learning difficulties exist and when they do not. Additionally, students participating in the program report a higher degree of motivation and enjoyment in the learning process.

The program is designed to help children learn to read and write, starting at three years of mental age, in a way that is fun and effective.

The Kinestema© Program is based on a series of principles that are well-supported by the scientific literature.

First, the program is multisensory, which means that it uses a variety of sensory stimuli and their respective memories, such as sound, sight, touch, and movement, to facilitate learning and make it more enjoyable for children.

Second, the program focuses on the development of procedural skills, i.e., those skills necessary to perform specific tasks. This includes skills such as hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation, and motor memory, which benefit from this approach.

In addition, the program uses the trial-and-success method, which gives children the opportunity to learn by doing, thus developing confidence and self-regulation.

Finally, the program is tailored to the needs of each individual child, using the zones of proximal development as a guide. In this way, each child is provided with a level of support appropriate to their developmental level, maximizing their learning and progress in the program.

In summary, the Kinesthema program uses a series of principles, based on scientific literature, that seek to improve children's learning in an effective and personalized way.

lunes, 3 de julio de 2023



Kinestema literacy program

Aprendizaje de lectura con el programa kinestema

La eficacia del programa Kinestema en las habilidades de aprendizaje de lectura en estudiantes de escuela primaria.

La eficacia del programa Kinestema en las habilidades de aprendizaje de lectura en estudiantes de escuela primaria ha sido un tema de interés. El programa Kinestema está diseñado para dividir todo el aprendizaje necesario para la alfabetización en diferentes procedimientos, y cada procedimiento se centra en un aspecto específico de la adquisición de la lectura [1]. Se han realizado estudios para examinar el impacto de este programa en el logro de comprensión de lectura. Un estudio encontró que había una diferencia significativa en el rendimiento de comprensión de lectura entre los estudiantes a los que se les enseñó con el programa Kinestema y los que no [2]. 

Además, la investigación ha explorado los efectos de los programas de aprendizaje basados ​​en el lenguaje en el rendimiento de lectura en estudiantes de jardín de infantes. Estos estudios han mostrado resultados positivos en la mejora de las habilidades de lectura en los jóvenes estudiantes [3]. Para mejorar el éxito de lectura de los niños, se han examinado varios enfoques, incluido el programa Kinestema, y ​​se han realizado revisiones sistemáticas para evaluar su eficacia [4]. Además, la investigación ha resaltado la importancia de las lecturas en voz alta y el apoyo de los adultos para brindar acceso a los libros a los niños de jardín de infantes con habilidades limitadas de lectura independiente [5]. En general, el programa Kinestema se muestra prometedor en la mejora de las habilidades de aprendizaje de lectura en los estudiantes de escuela primaria, como lo demuestra su impacto positivo en el logro de la comprensión de lectura y su alineación con enfoques efectivos de aprendizaje basados ​​en el lenguaje.

Kinestema literacy program

The effectiveness of the Kinestema program in reading learning skills in primary school students.

The effectiveness of the Kinestema program in reading learning skills in primary school students has been a topic of interest. The Kinestema program is designed to divide all the necessary learning for literacy into different procedures, and each procedure focuses on a specific aspect of reading acquisition [1]. Studies have been conducted to examine the impact of this program on reading comprehension achievement. One study found that there was a significant difference in reading comprehension performance between students who were taught with the Kinestema program and those who were not [2]. 

In addition, research has explored the effects of language-based learning programs on reading performance in kindergarten students. These studies have shown positive results in improving reading skills in young students [3]. To enhance children's reading success, various approaches have been examined, including the Kinestema program, and systematic reviews have been conducted to evaluate its effectiveness [4]. Furthermore, research has highlighted the importance of read-alouds and adult support in providing access to books for kindergarten children with limited independent reading skills [5]. Overall, the Kinestema program shows promise in improving reading learning skills in primary school students, as demonstrated by its positive impact on reading comprehension achievement and its alignment with effective language-based learning approaches.


1. Kinestems program. (n.d.) Recuperado July 3, 2023, de http://kinestemus.com/kinestems-program/

2. EJ1304478 - The Effectiveness of K-W-L Technique to ... - ERIC. (n.d.) Recuperado July 3, 2023, de eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1304478

3. the effects of the language for learning program - ScholarWorks. (n.d.) Recuperado July 3, 2023, de scholarworks.calstate.edu/downloads/zp38wd53r

4. (PDF) Effective Reading Programs for the Elementary Grades. (n.d.) Recuperado July 3, 2023, de www.researchgate.net

5.  Modeling Reading Ability Gain in Kindergarten Children .... (n.d.) Recuperado July 3, 2023, de www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/17/6371